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The Zen Garden

The Zen Garden

Rating: 3.7
Rating: 3.7 (75 Votes)

  Rating: 3.7 (75 Votes)
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The Zen Garden

The Zen Garden is a great clicker game to take a break from all distractions and worries in life and you can play it online and for free on Silvergames.com. Start by speeding up you water wheel to earn primary energy and go on building your own zen garden. The goal of this game is to meditate to level up and unlock new features, like plants and fish, which will help you meditate even more.

Make sure to collect all you energy once in a while and enter the temple to try leveling up when you are ready. Don’t forget to click on your wheel to generate more energy for your garden. And if you aren't clicking for once, just enjoy the atmosphere of the relaxing garden that you are creating. Enjoy The Zen Garden!

Controls: Mouse


The Zen Garden: MenuThe Zen Garden: Gameplay Wheel RunningThe Zen Garden: Gameplay Collecting Garden Fish

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